Friday, August 24, 2012

Little is large.... by Ames church plant Pastor Aaron Vis

Little is large.  Seriously, little is large.  Don’t believe me?  Well then, read on …

Have you ever driven through a major metropolitan area during a rush hour traffic jam?  Not cool, man.  Just.  Not.  Cool.  Well, get this, a few years ago there was a study involving computer-generated simulations trying to figure out how many cars needed to be removed from the road in order to turn a traffic jam into a free flowing highway again.  Care to guess how many cars needed to be removed?  No?  That’s okay, I’ll tell you anyway.  Four.  That’s it.  You remove four cars out of every one hundred and, poof, no more traffic jam.  See, I told you, little is large.

Now, guess what happens when God gets involved … little becomes super huge.  Yeah, like awesomely, ginormously, humongously, super huge!  That means, really big.

God took two people – an elderly couple – Abram and Sarai, and built a nation through which God would save the world.

God took a guy who claimed he couldn’t speak very well, Moses, and used him to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.

God took a little shepherd boy, David, and turned him into the greatest King in Israel’s history.

God took a little 14 year-old girl, Mary, and turned her into the mother of God – the mother of Jesus.

Jesus took five loaves of bread and two fish and fed ten to twelve thousand men, women, and children.  Whoa!

Jesus took twelve regular, hard-working, blue collar dudes and through them started the greatest, most influential movement in the history of the world called The Church.

Remember how God created the heavens and the earth?  Yeah, God just spoke a few words: “Let there be …”  And it was so.

When God gets involved, little becomes super huge.  Yeah, like awesomely, ginormously, humongously, super huge!  That means, really big.

Right now, your church plant in Ames, ReNew Community, is little.  We have 7 families from Ames and 2 families from The Ridge fully committed to planting this new church.  We are little.  But it’s all good because God is involved – and little is large.

We believe that God will use us to gather a few more families from The Ridge.  If you are reading this, that might be you.  You don’t have to move to Ames to be involved. You could simply join us for a season.  You could join us for visionary meetings during the 10:30 worship time on Sundays.  When February, 2013 rolls around you could worship with us in Ames for a few months.  Or, you could simply pray.  It doesn’t matter how little you contribute because God is involved.  And when God is involved, little is … yeah, you get it.

It won’t be long and God will give us momentum – we are confident in that!  And when that happens, this little church, ReNew Community, will have a large influence for God in the city of Ames.

If you’d like to know more about how you can contribute, send me an email.  I’d love to connect with you.

1 comment:

RenewAmesAdmin said...

Aaron's email address has been updated to