Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What's Your "Job" Story? By Graham Schardt

No, not as in employment, but rather the biblical story & character of Job.  Satan claims that Job, a righteous man of God, would eventually give up his faith in God if he lost everything.  But God knew Job's faith, so He allowed Satan to destroy everything that belonged to Job, including all his possessions, loved ones, and livestock.

What is your Job story?  I'm not suggesting we've all had everything taken away like Job did in order to test our faith.  But I am suggesting that most of us have experienced some level of hardship, sickness, hurt, or stress.  Now, I don't mean to dwell here but I do want to say that if this represents you right now– if your life's soundtrack seems to be stuck in a minor key right now–please consider how friends, counselors, and the church can help.  There are resources to help you know you are not alone:

Team Restoration Ministries is a wonderful group of counselors we recommend.
Contact them at team-restoration.org/contact.html
Or call 515-238-9010

A recent story:
As many of you know My wife and I and our 8 years daughter are in the process of adopting a child.  We are currently in the wait-to-be-matched phase, but 3 months ago we thought we were bringing home our new daughter.  To make the long story short, after receiving a last-minute call about a new baby girl needing a home, we travelled out of state and spent 5 amazing days with what we thought was our brand new baby girl!  On the 6th day the birth mother changed her mind and signed over parental rights to the birth father's family instead.  It is difficult to describe the feelings we encountered as we faced the reality that this baby girl was no longer join to be ours.  I have lost loved ones before, but this was a unique kind of hurt I had never experienced.  As we packed up her things and returned her to an attorney's office where another family would welcome her 'home', we felt crushed.  The next few weeks were difficult.
3 months later, we still feel the call to adopt and have decided to re-enter the adoption process again.  Although we admittedly have some fears, we are hopeful that our adoption story will continue and that God must still have another child in mind for our loving home.  Without our faith we'd be lost and uncertain through all this.  We still wonder about God's intention but can only proceed in faith and trust in His plan.

What's Your Job Story?  How has God remained faithful in your story?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was reading this and noticed it was posted the day of Jad's birth-Praise God!!