Monday, June 6, 2016

Meet the Ridge Staff: Sarah Van Rees; Director of RidgeKids & Families

1.      What is your job at The Ridge? Director of RidgeKids and Families

2.    Favorite thing about your job? So many things!!  Love the volunteers who serve on the teams in KidMin! Love the kids that come in the doors on Sunday mornings!  Love, love, love the team I work with!!!

3.    Least favorite thing about your job? Detail planning kind of stuff…

4.    Tell us about your relationship with God. Wow…humbling. I still sometimes am shocked that He would choose to spend time loving on me, guiding me, refining me.  It’s also real…He hears the good, the bad and the ugly.  And we also have fun…we do laugh together, too!
5.     What are you studying now? Luke…it’s my favorite Gospel.

6.    What brought you to The Ridge? Ummm…my husband???

7.     Favorite Ridge memory. I’ve got lots, but I’ll share one for now.  When two gals—who shall remain nameless—served in nursery on a Sunday morning.  I dropped our son off, who was around 6 months old at the time and headed into church.  We came home, enjoyed the day, etc…  As my husband is getting our son ready for bed he let’s out a whoop.  I’m come running to see.  And there it is…pink toenail polish on his toes!?!  They had taken off his socks and shoes during nursery, painted his toenails, let it dry, redressed the boy’s feet and we were none the wiser.  Until nightfall, anyway

8.    Tell us about your family. There’s five of us.  We have fun together, we bicker together…and they tend to pick on me!!

9.    Favorite Bible Verse  Seriously???  Just one?  For this season of my life it would be Psalm 28:7…my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped…

10.           Favorite Quote “Who needs the Comforter (Holy Spirit) to come when we’re already comfortable?” …Francis Chan

11.      What was your favorite activity in gym class? Well it WASN’T scooter dodgeball and getting my ringers run over by other people’s scooter wheels!?!

12.    What does your perfect day look like? It includes a walk/run/bike ride, an hour or two spent talking with a friend, a good meal, playing games with my family—board games or outside games…really just savoring and enjoying the gifts God has given me!!!

Would you rather…
1.      Read on a Kindle or paperback book? Paperback
2.    Go to a play or musical? Play
3.    Go to the theater or a movie? Movie
4.    Hike or bike? Hike
5.     Wear jeans or chinos? Jeans
6.    Crash with friends or stay in a hotel? Hotel…unless you know us REALLY well!!  Then you know the mayhem you’re getting if the 5 of us crash!?!?!
7.     Visit Europe or Mexico? Europe
8.    Travel by plane, train, or automobile? Plane
9.    Enjoy a houseboat or speed boat? Houseboat…though I’ve never been on one…
10.           Go climbing or zip lining? Zip Lining
11.  Have a night out or evening in? Evening in

12.Watch TV or read a book? Book…unless it’s a Jane Austen BBC miniseries!!

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