2. Favorite thing
about your job? Meeting new people and
getting them plugged in where there they are able to serve
3. Tell us about
your relationship with God. Jesus Christ
is my Lord and Savior.
4. What are you
studying now? Your Best Life Now by
Joel Osteen
5. What brought you
to The Ridge? I started from the church
plant from Meredith Drive Reformed Church
6. Favorite Ridge
memory. Very early on when we starting
the church we had worship team practice at the small office on 1st Street. Practice was running late, someone opened the
door and yelled REPENT, REPENT at the top of their lungs.
7. Favorite Bible
Verse Psalms 121 it has become my life verse
8. Favorite
Quote Maya Angelo-- I've learned that
people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people
will never forget how you made them feel.
9. Favorite Spot to
connect with God My ultimate spot is the
beach but since we don't have beaches in Iowa most of the time it is when I am
getting ready for work.
10. Favorite spot in your house. My Office, I do best
thinking there.
11. If money was
no object, what would you do all day? I would teach under privileged kids how
to swim at my own pool in my backyard.
12. What is your favorite memory? Winning $500 on a scratch Lottery ticket a
long time ago
13.Who is your favorite author? Anything by John Maxwell,
Beth Moore and Francis Chan
14. What is your
favorite book? So Long Insecurity by
Beth Moore
15. What was your
favorite activity in gym class? Tinikling, Bad-mitten
16.What does your perfect day look like? About 75 degrees, sun shining and walking on
a beach somewhere
17. How would your
friends describe you? Caring and heart full of love to give someone
Would you rather…
1. Read on a
Kindle or paperback book? Paperback
2. Go to a play or
musical? Musical
3. Visit Europe or
Mexico? EuropeE urope
4. Travel by plane,
train, or automobile? Travel by
automobile is the best! But if I am in a
hurry than an airplane.
5. Enjoy a
houseboat or speed boat? Houseboat
6. Go climbing or zip lining? Neither, I don't
like high places.
7. Have a night out
or evening in? My first choice would be a night in, but I do like to have a
night out.
8. Watch TV or read a
book? Watch TV
9. Camp in an RV or stay in a tent? Hotel please!
10. Use Facebook or Twitter? Facebook
11. Swim in a pool or the ocean? Both, I love water!
12. Travel by sailboat or cruise ship? Not sure
13.Watch sports or play sports? Watch golf and football
14.Play dodgeball or kickball? Dodgeball
15. Get up early or stay up late? Stay.Up.Late.
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