Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fall is upon us…by Kara Backes

So fall has me thinking this year, as it does most years. 

I get pretty sad when my kids head back to school – partly because we just have the best summers and partly because it’s a new year for them, they are a year older and time goes so fast – I just don’t want to miss it.  I also get pretty excited because fall means we get to embark on a new year of RidgeKids and all that brings with it.

Then this moves me to my calendar, my home, work, personal life calendars.  I’m a planner so this is what I do.  And as I look at fall, I have questions.  What should I spend my time on, how much is too much, will we have enough family time, will I have the space for all the ministry things I would love to do and on and on?

I’ve been rereading Crazy Love by Francis Chan and it has me thinking as well–so I thought I would share a couple of the things that have most stood out to me.  He states on pg 67 that most of us have too much in our lives. “Too much of the good life ends up being toxic, deforming us spiritually.”   A lot of things are good by themselves but together keeps us from living a healthy, fruitful life for God.  And then he asks, and I’ve been pondering, "Has my relationship with God actually changed the way I live?  Do I see evidence of God’s kingdom in my life?  Am I choking it out slowly by spending too much time, energy or money on things of this world?  Am I satisfied with just being Godly enough?" 

So as I plan my schedules, my kids schedules, our activities and all those good things, I am hoping we can choose things that will show evidence of God’s kingdom, not just this worldly kingdom in Ankeny, Iowa that seems so important sometimes.

This isn’t easy, this is hard – but I want to have a crazy love for God, I want to be Godly not just Godly enough – and I want to make right choices for myself and our kids. So I guess we will have to say no this year to some activities - to some things that seem important in the world. And I believe God will bless those choices.  How about you?

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