Sunday, May 15, 2016

A note from Julie about her worship leader sabbatical

It's a busy Saturday at the Wiemann home - not atypical for Chuck and I as we try to cram in as many outdoors tasks as possible in about 6 hours time.  It's one of the things that we enjoy most about spring & summer because we love being outdoors working, playing with the grandkids, and crossing off yet another project.  The list is long--but here I am capturing a few moments of solitude as I gaze out upon our backyard enjoying God's creation.  Solitude--too rare.  Stillness--a gift. Sabbath--a command.  In fact, as I recently gazed over my journal I saw a common theme for about six months--and that theme was the need for more silence.  The need to clear my plate and allow a little more time for margin in my life.  The need and desire to spend a little less time focused on what needs to be accomplished, and a hunger and thirst to withdraw for a few months to a quiet place to meditate, pray and be renewed from ministry just as Jesus modeled and asked his disciples to do (Mark 2:27-28).   

One of the ways I've decided to do that is to take a sabbatical from leading worship on Sunday mornings.  On a June day in 1998 I said yes to God (albeit very reluctantly and with fear and trepidation) and yes to Pastor Mike when I agreed to stepping into the role of worship leading.  It was a role I felt extremely unqualified for; and learned very quickly that without the  presence and power of the Holy Spirit what I was being asked to do would never amount to anything.  I've had the blessing of many different roles within Sunday morning worship at the Ridge--and have loved it all (well, nearly all!) In fact I joke and tell Mike & Graham that I have to be careful because people could very well have to pull me off the platform with my cane and keyboard in hand!! Scary!

At any rate,  I have felt a prompting to step away from Sunday morning worship leading and allow some space to listen to how and where God wants me to be in the months ahead.  I believe that sometimes individuals can get so attached to a ministry that their identity becomes that ministry.  I also think stepping away provides an opportunity for people not to depend too much on that leader.  We are so incredibly blessed with an amazing team of musicians and worship leaders at the Ridge!  I'm excited to see how my stepping away will allow some others to step into all God wants them to be. 

In the meantime, for the next four months I will be listening and resting, enjoying my daughters' once a year visit to the US; preparing a message for a July Sunday morning and discerning where and how God wants me to use my worship gifts in the future.   I have a few ideas which I'm pretty excited about.  And this 4-month Sabbatical will allow for a long-awaited season of renewal and rest and the opportunity to seek God's will moving forward.   Stay tuned..........

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