Monday, June 27, 2016

Meet The Ridge Staff: Kelly Wyllie; RidgeKids K-2 Director

1.      What is your job at The Ridge?  RidgeKids K-2 Director

2.    Favorite thing about your job?  Encouraging and building up God's children!

3.    Least favorite thing about your job?  Computer work!

4.    Tell us about your relationship with God.   My relationship with my heavenly Father has grown immensely and become much more intimate ever since I was awakened to understand that the Spirit of the living God dwells within me!  Through the power of the Holy Spirit I have learned to hear my Father's voice and understand how deep and wide His love is for me!

5.     What are you studying now? I am in the all church bible study and loving every moment I am in His word!

6.    What brought you to The Ridge? We visited only a few churches here in Ankeny, and after only one visit to the Ridge we knew this is where we were being called!

7.     Favorite Ridge memory. Awakening to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit during Experiencing the Holy Spirit class taught at our church! 

8.    Tell us about your family.  My beloved husband Ryan have been married for 11 years, and he is a strong man of faith, amazing father and leader of our family, and a loving and serving husband! Josie is four years old and attends preschool here at the Ridge.  She loves Jesus, and she so enjoys reading and watching stories from the bible which have revealed to her who God is and that He loves her!   Ellie is two years old going on four!  Even at the young age of two God’s Spirit has taught her that she is His daughter and Jesus does "yuv" (love) her so! 

9.    Favorite Bible Verse  "And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God ask of you but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul," Duet. 10:12

10.     Favorite Quote "Stop telling God how big your storm is and start telling the storm how big your God is." ~ Unknown

11.  Favorite Spot to connect with God  Early in the morning I make my bed, get a warm cup of coffee, and sit peacefully on my bed deep in His word and presence!

Would you rather…
1.      Read on a Kindle or paperback book? Paperback book
2.    Go to a play or musical?  musical
3.    Go to the theater or a movie?  movie
4.    Hike or bike?  bike
5.     Wear jeans or chinos? jeans
6.    Crash with friends or stay in a hotel?  hotel
7.     Visit Europe or Mexico?  Europe
8.    Travel by plane, train, or automobile?  automobile
9.    Enjoy a houseboat or speed boat? houseboat
10.   Go climbing or zip lining?  climbing

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