Monday, August 8, 2016

Meet The Ridge Staff: Mary Kohlsdorf; Director of Spiritual Formation

1.            What is your job at The Ridge?  Director of Spiritual Formation

2.            Favorite thing about your job?  Seeing lives transformed, renewed, enriched as they study the Word of God in community.  We are blessed by so many amazing teachers here at The Ridge! 

3.            Tell us about your relationship with God.  I have “known” about God my entire life!  I was fortunate enough to have been raised in a family that went to church!  However, I didn’t experience a personal encounter with God until my early 30’s on a mission trip to NYC.  My world was turned upside down during that time.  The Word of God came alive and I realized this faith thing was 24/7, not just for Sunday mornings.  So thankful for this transformation.  Prior to this I lacked contentment in my life.  Once I found Christ, I realized I was looking for happiness in all the wrong places.

4.            What are you studying now?  I’m reading through the Bible with our awesome small group!  And, doing the Armor of God study by Priscilla Shirer.

5.            What brought you to The Ridge?  The youth program!

6.            Tell us about your family.  I have an adult son, Andrew, who is a Captain in the Army.  He and his beautiful wife Amanda live in Tacoma, WA.  My daughter Erin recently graduated from UNI and lives in Ankeny and works for Orchard Place.  She is also a Junkyard Sponsor for 8/9 and High School here at The Ridge.  And, Doug, my husband of almost 29 years!  If you know Doug, you know it has been an adventure!  Doug does physical security “stuff” for Catholic Health Initiatives. 

7.            Favorite Bible Verse 1 John 4: 19

8.            Favorite Spot to connect with God.  On my comfy couch in the living room when I’m home alone.

9.            If you could do anything you wanted right now, what would it be?  Would open a coffee shop on the north side of Ankeny and host Bible studies, Christian music….

10.          What is your favorite book?  The Bible

11.                What was your favorite activity in gym class?  NONE!

Would you rather…
1.            Read on a Kindle or paperback book?    Paperback book
2.            Go to the theater or a movie?  movie
3.            Hike or bike?   hike
4.            Wear jeans or chinos?  jeans
5.            Crash with friends or stay in a hotel?  Stay in a hotel
6.            Visit Europe or Mexico?  Europe
7.            Travel by plane, train, or automobile?  auto

8.            Enjoy a houseboat or speed boat?   Speed boat

1 comment:

Nancy D said...

The Ridge is so fortunate to have Mary on staff! I am not the least biased even though she is my daughter! : ) Mary has a beautiful heart and is very sincere in her faith. She is an inspiration to me and to others. She loves her job and puts her whole being into it.
Nancy Davidson