Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Grace vs. Obedience

If the Gospel is grace, what is the role of obedience? Obedience is important but needs to be understood in context.

My favorite way to explain the full Gospel is through five words that start with the letter G. I have adopted this version (rooted in teachings of the apostle Paul) because it's a simple and memorable way to explain the heart of Christianity to kids:

Good -  Humankind was created in God's image, and God was pleased with His creation.

Guilt - Our sin, or our guilt, has separated us from God.

Grace - God couldn't stand that separation, so God sent Jesus that we might have real life in the present and eternal life with God.

God's people - We live in community, experiencing and advancing the Kingdom with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Gratitude - We serve and obey not to make God like us more or love us more, but because we're grateful for all God has done for us. 

Dr. Kara Powell Thriving Family June/July 2015 page 41. 

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